Unraveling Collective Narcissism: Transforming Self/Mending Earth

While many of us are awake and seeking to respond to our dire ecological and social crises, a large portion of our population is still focused on self-centered needs, enmeshed in a false reality, numb to the existential challenges confronting our world. This societal narcissism which we’re swimming in is perilous to us, to our communities, and to the Earth. In this experiential session, we will examine the patterns of this collective narcissism, their relation to our stories, and how we may be able to transform them for the wellness of all sentient beings. Participants should be prepared to engage in meditation, movement, and interactive dialogue, as well as to work with the surfacing of heavy emotions. Facilitated by Jeanine Canty, Professor of Transformative Studies, California Institute of Integral Studies.

Interactive/Experiential Room

May 14th | 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm


Jeanine Canty
Professor of Transformative Studies
California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS)
Bioneers 2019 Conference - Seeding the Field: Growing Transformative Movements
Bioneers 2022 Conference - A Window Through
Bioneers 2022 Conference - A Window Through