Bioneers 2022 Conference - A Window Through

Film Screenings

Special Bonus: Free Film Viewings for Bioneers Conference Attendees

Bioneers is proud to offer conference attendees the opportunity to view a slate of documentary films that highlight inspiring examples of resilience and restoration. For In-Person attendees, the screening times are listed below and all screenings will take place in the Marina Theater. For Virtual attendees, the films will be available for viewing on-demand during the extent of the conference viewing window. Please note that that, due to distribution rights, there are some differences between the In-Person and Virtual film schedules, noted below.

Special Screening of Changing of the Gods

Friday, May 13th at 6:30 PM [In-Person Only]

Bioneers co-founder Kenny Ausubel will host 2 separate, special Bioneers-only screenings of several episodes of his newly premiered 10-episode series, Changing of the Gods. This truly unique film looks at epic cycles of social upheaval over the centuries and explores surprising, seemingly synchronistic correlations between periods of intense rebellion and radical social transformation in human history and certain planetary alignments. The film raises profound, fundamental questions: Do we live in a conscious cosmos? Which revolutionary impulses are being triggered at the moment and what is their impact going to be? And where do we currently stand in the grand sweep of these historical cycles? Kenny and guests will be on hand to introduce the episodes and to answer questions.


Friday, May 13th at 9:00 PM

As the Arctic polar ice cap melts, reaching the North Pole has become increasingly dangerous, but an expedition of women from the Arab World and Europe, led by explorer Felicity Aston, strapped on their skis and pulled their sledges true North, determined to succeed against all odds. Filmmaker Holly Morris and an all-women crew documented this daring, unprecedented group as they navigated everything from frostbite and polar bears to sexism and self-doubt. An extraordinary story of resilience, survival and global citizenry—in what may have been the last-ever over-ice expedition to the top of the world.

Two Short Films from Unicorn Riot

Saturday, May 14th at 6:30 PM

Unicorn Riot is a decentralized non-profit media organization of journalists that seeks to engage and amplify stories of social and environmental struggles from the ground up. We present two examples of their work: Beyond the Barricades: A Look at George Floyd Square (10minutes), an on-site reportage of the intense community engagement that occurred on the four-block area in South Minneapolis on and around the site of George Floyd’s murder; and Seizing the Means of Production: A Spotlight on Vio.Me (12minutes), an inside look at an environmentally-friendly cleaning products factory in Greece that the workers seized when it went bankrupt and have successfully operated for six years. There will be a short introduction by Niko ​​Georgiades from Unicorn Riot and a little bit of time for Q+A after the screenings.

Link to website >>

The Emerald Triangle Trailer and Scene

Saturday, May 14th at 7:05 PM

Renowned, award-winning veteran documentary filmmaker Mark Kitchell, who specializes in social histories of social change movements, including such beloved classics as: Berkeley in the Sixties, A Fierce Green Fire, and Evolution of Organic, will introduce the 4-minute trailer and a 12-minute excerpt of his brand new film, The Emerald Triangle, the first social history of cannabis. There will be a short Q+A session following the screening.

The Need to Grow

Saturday, May 14th at 7:35 PM

In this inspiring, award-winning film narrated by actress Rosario Dawson, filmmakers Rob Herring and Ryan Wirick introduce us to some remarkable activists and innovators in the restorative/regenerative food movement and explore such issues as the dynamic growth of local food economies, agro-ecological approaches to working with nature rather than trying to subdue it, and the need for all of us to come together to help regenerate our planet’s dying soils and participate in the restoration of the Earth.

GIVE LIGHT: Stories from Indigenous Midwives

Saturday, May 14th at 9:25 PM

(This is a special conference cut of this documentary film prepared exclusively for Bioneers 2022 registrants. The feature length version will premiere at festivals and be broadcast on PBS nationwide in 2023.)

GIVE LIGHT showcases the voices of Indigenous midwives from five continents as they relate their life stories and discuss the joys and challenges of their profession, interwoven with testimony from medical anthropologists, historians and Western midwives and doulas. The film looks at the state of childbirth around the world and explores the fundamental question: Are Indigenous midwifery traditions dying out due to the persuasions of modern medical treatments or could a revival of midwifery actually offer far better birth outcomes and far more meaningful rites of passage in many parts of the world? Director Steph Smith will be with us for a short introduction and a Q&A following the film.

Bioneers Viewers: Sign up on our website for upcoming film festival premieres. Consider partnering with us for a conference or community virtual screening.  We would love to hear from you:


One Word: Sawalmem

This uplifting 20-minute Native-directed film, a winner of multiple awards and selected for 40 festivals around the world, is based on one question: “What’s one word from your sacred language that changed your life and that you can offer to the next generation as medicine to heal our relationship with the Earth?” Michael “Pom” Preston of the Winnemem Wintu tribe of Mt. Shasta, CA, son of spiritual leader Chief Caleen Sisk, didn’t hesitate to choose his word: Sawalmem, sacred water. He reveals to us what happens when you live fully committed to the understanding that water is sacred, as he highlights the story of his tribe’s ongoing struggle to protect their lands against dam development. Directed by Michael “Pom” Preston and Natasha Deganello Giraudie.

Bioneers 2022 Conference - A Window Through
Bioneers 2022 Conference - A Window Through