The Magical Window Singing Tree: Hands-on Mural Painting

This will be a hands-on art-making workshop co-led by youth facilitators. We will engage in the creation of a Singing Tree Mural from start to finish during the conference. It will be the 107th Singing Tree mural for a forest of trees made by over 21,000 people from 52 countries. We will also learn about the neurobiology and eco-based approach of the “Peace Building Through Art” program as we work. Paint clothes will be provided. Hosted by Laurie Marshall, founder of Unity Through Creativity Foundation and The Singing Tree Project. Facilitated by Lili Lopez, certified Singing Tree Facilitator and Bisi Obateru, Nigerian musician and artist, with student facilitators: Jerwey Guo, co-leader, Restorative Justice Singing Tree; Serena Ornelas, co-creator, Ukrainian Singing Tree of Strength and Freedom; Amanda Panoplos, co-creator, The Lemon Cherry Singing Tree of Peace.

Youth Unity Center

May 13th | 2:45 pm to 4:15 pm


Laurie Marshall
Unity Through Creativity Foundation
Lili Lopez
Singing Tree
Jerwey Guo
AIMS High School
Bisi Obateru
Musician and Artist
Serena Ornelas
University of Texas
Amanda Panoplos
Lick Wilmerding High School
Bioneers 2019 Conference - Seeding the Field: Growing Transformative Movements
Bioneers 2022 Conference - A Window Through
Bioneers 2022 Conference - A Window Through