Shilpa Jain
Executive Director | YES!

Shilpa Jain, Executive Director of YES!, has facilitated dozens of transformative leadership gatherings around the world with hundreds of young leaders from over 80 countries. Her previous roles include: founding coordinator of the Global Youth Leadership Collaborative; Education and Outreach Coordinator of Other Worlds; learning activist with Shikshantar: The Peoples’ Institute for Rethinking Education and Development in Udaipur, India; and coordinator of the Swapathgami Network. Shilpa has also written numerous articles and books, including: A Poet’s Challenge to Schooling, Reclaiming the Gift Culture, Other Worlds of Power, Paths of Unlearning, and Unfolding Learning Societies. Today, she sees her work as contributing to the deep healing of internal, interpersonal and systemic breakdown and helping people live in greater alignment with their hearts and deepest values, their local communities, and nature.
Panel Presentations:
How Leadership is Evolving: Leading from the Round, from Love and from Underground
May 13th | 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm
Community of Mentors with Shilpa Jain
May 13th | 2:45 pm to 4:15 pm
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