Kahea Pacheco

Co-Director | Women's Earth Alliance (WEA)


Kahea Pacheco

Kahea Pacheco (Kanaka ‘Ōiwi), an advocate for Indigenous people’s rights, intersectional environmentalism and climate justice, is Co-Director of the Women’s Earth Alliance (WEA), which she joined in 2011 as a Legal Research Intern after graduating from law school. At WEA, Kahea has over the years, among other achievements, facilitated legal advocacy partnerships for Indigenous women-led environmental campaigns and co-led a partnership with the Native Youth Sexual Health Network to develop the “Violence on the Land, Violence on our Bodies” report and toolkit.” Kahea, who has lived and traveled around the world, currently serves on the Advisory Council for 1t.org (the trillion trees platform of the World Economic Forum) and on the board of Planet Women, and is a Program Advisor to Jane Goodall’s Trees for Jane campaign.

Panel Presentations:

Daughters for Earth: Women and the Climate Change Movement

May 14th | 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm

Bioneers 2019 Conference - Seeding the Field: Growing Transformative Movements
Bioneers 2022 Conference - A Window Through
Bioneers 2022 Conference - A Window Through